The Image of the Week is of a juvenile bald eagle in a tree near Quidi Vidi Lake. The current photos section has more photos of the eagle and many of a Great Egret at Long Pond.
The Image of the Week was taken in Tors Cove. There are more pictures of Tors Cove as well as some from Bowring Park and downtown St. John's in the current photos section.
The Image of the Week was taken in Petty Harbour. The current photos section has more photos of Petty Harbour, some from Cape Spear, Bay Bulls (including seal photos) and Signal Hill.
This weeks' Image of the Week is of horses near O'Brien's Farm in St. John's. The current photos section has more photos of the new snow at O'Brien's Farm and downtown.
This week's Image of the Week is of a cormorant in St. John's Harbour. The current photos has more photos from the harbour as well as some from Signal Hill.
This week's Image of the Week is of downtown St. John's from the southside. The current photos has more photos of downtown St. John's as well as some of seals from Holyrood and birds at Quidi Vidi Lake.
This week's Image of the Week was taken at Fort Amherst. The current photos has more photos from Fort Amherst, some from Middle Cove and of birds at Quidi Vidi Lake.
This week's Image of the Week was taken in Portugal Cove. The current photos has more photos from Portugal Cove-St. Philip's and of birds at Quidi Vidi Lake.